Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Mom is Someone Who Never Gives Up

For Christmas, my daughter received a princess journal that has several areas where questions are asked and the owner of the journal gets to "fill in the blanks." In one section, I noticed she had described me as "someone who never gives up." I took a deep breath and felt my heart overflow with joy...and relief...relief that even when I feel like I'm not doing a fabulous job being a single parent, my daughters see that I'm not giving up.

I will fight 'til the bitter end for them and for what I believe to be true and right. No matter what we may be facing, I find such amazing joy in the moments when my 5 year old looks me in the eyes and whispers, "I love you, mommy", or when my 7 year old hands me a masterpiece of artwork and says, "I made this especially for you, mom" or when my 9 year old turns to a stranger and says, "My mom is so strong."

I know I'm not a perfect parent (who is?!), but I do know that God trusts me enough to loan me these amazing little girls, and I feel so blessed to share my life with them.

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