Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Chill in the Air

As I opened my eyes and tried to focus on the clock, my toes crept out from the warmth of my covers and then quickly retreated. The frigid air pressed against my face, increasing my resistance to wake up at 3:45 in the morning. Yet as I rolled over to bury my face in the pillow, my sleepy eyes caught a sweet glimpse, two (of my three) little cherub faces sleeping soundly in my bed, reminding me of why I get up each day. I smiled and coerced my sleepy self to emerge from the cozy comfort. Tiptoeing into the bathroom, so as not to wake the angels, I set foot on the cold tile and breathed in the chill. The light was a rude awakening to my tired eyes, and my face revealed the exhaustion within. And so the transformation began; make-up, hair, and a cute, but warm, outfit all for a three hour shift at the front desk of an athletic club. If only the inner transformation of our souls was as simple, and the trials as brief.

In the quiet of my home, I gingerly descended the stairway, admiring the beautiful Noble Fir with all its trimmings and the unlit lights awaiting their next performance. The dark kitchen felt ominously lonely as I pulled an egg from the fridge and boiled water on the stove. Feeling a tug on my heart, I quickly grabbed a pen and paper to leave my family a "love note"; I made my coffee, grabbed my breakfast and headed out the door. Although the garage was cold, it was no match for the chill in the air of the early morning outdoors. The streets were covered in wind-blown snow and were peacefully empty. My mind drifted to the poor souls who may be out walking in the miserable cold, and I was grateful for my warm car. Simple, yet profound, I likened my vehicle to the stable where Mary gave birth to our Savior. Within that humble, dirty, nearly insuffiicient shelter, a certain safety emerged. Was it beause it was warm? I wonder if it even was. Was it because it was cozy? Certainly not. Was it because their family was with them? Oh no, they were on their own. Was it because they were certain of what the future held? Not likely. Was it because HE was there? Absolutely!

I can imagine that Mary looked down into her baby's eyes, and was met with a soul-quenching look of eternal love. Maybe her trepidation and awe were somehow soothed with the peace of a faithful Father; One who would prove to be her strength in times of need and her hope in times of joy. I wish I could have seen that moment as it took place. I love to ponder all that that mother felt.

On mornings like today, when the chill is in the air, the mother in me wants to protect my children from the disomfort they may face. Yet I trust that whatever challenges may come their way, be it harsh weather or harsh people, He is the One within who will give them strength to persevere and hope to rejoice. The chill is in the air, but the fire is in our hearts!